
Construction Knowledge Series: How to detect "BS" on a jobsite

It is actually very easy.  Any statement preceded by the phrase “I’ve been doing this for X many years and …” is almost always BS.

 I have observed that the high quality, experienced superintendents and project managers do not need to list their qualifications and experiences prior to making a statement.  They exude confidence and people tend to follow their lead because it makes sense.  The best leaders want what is best for the project and for each subcontractor.

 Those who try to legitimize their viewpoints by listing their qualifications tend to lack confidence and are unsure of their stance.  Those that use this technique also tend to be overly aggressive which is again, another tactic used by those who are not confident in what they are doing.

 There are always exceptions to the rule but if you pay attention, you may notice someone using this phrase or something close to it.  The best way to move beyond the BS is collaborate with the offender and offer input that will collectively help their cause as well as your own.

Zach Bowman